Blood Fist had discovered that there were scriptures written in her robe. She found a tag in each one with sewed words of needle and thread. They were scriptures taken from the book of Psalms in the Bible. Blood Fist had seen the tags, but she never paid any attention to the words sewed onto them. She thought with tears in her eyes, “Mr. Moe was praying and thinking of me and my protection.”
It was reading the Psalms of David that made Blood Fist think about her own self. Reading Psalms made her want to learn more about King David. Blood Fist studied with her teacher at the Grand Bee Chapel. When Blood Fist found out that King David could not build a house unto the name of the Lord his God for the wars which were about him on every side, it troubled her. She knew that there was conflict in her life fighting crime.
Mr. Moe asked Blood Fist, " Why do you look so troubled?"
“I have been mean fighting my enemies. I make them shed blood. They are always pushing me to fight. I struggle not to fight, and I am always led to temptations. Now I understand the Lord’s prayer. He said, lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.”
“So now, not only do you know how to fight, but you are becoming wise and strong. If you must fight then fight, but try not to kill anyone.”
Blood Fist hung her head thinking how close she came to killing someone before. She thought of the Lord’s sixth commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Kill”. That commandment was written in her boxing robes. Now she understood why her garments were made into scrolls.
1 Kings 5:3 Thou knowest how that David my father could not build an house unto the name of the Lord his God for the wars which were about him on every side......
Luke 11:2-4 When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name......